I-WIN Registration is On!

A message from the I-WIN program, provided by EMCN.

The vision of The Immigrant Women’s Integration Network (I-WIN) is for immigrant women in Edmonton to quickly access the tools they need; allowing them to achieve their goals and participate fully in Canadian economic, cultural, and social life. This will look different for each woman, but it is rooted in the power of joining together to pool experience, knowledge, and resources. The goal of I-WIN is to empower women to create the lives they envision for themselves in Canada. This is achieved by connecting women to each other and to the broader community; energizing and supporting women in their journey and providing them with the tools to realize their talents and passions.

We are currently recruiting for I-WIN morning classes starting on Monday, December 5, 2022.

Our morning classes are offered virtually, Monday to Wednesday- 9:30 am to 12:00 pm for 6 weeks.

CLICK HERE to register. WIN staff will contact the registered candidates as soon as the registration form is received.

Candidates must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  • Possess education or professional experience in their home countries
  • Be a female permanent resident or Refugee Claimant
  • Possess language proficiency of Canadian Language Benchmark 4 or higher

Note: Classes are currently virtual and childcare is unavailable at the moment.