Speed Career Networking – Win-Win Professional Relationships for All!

Speed Career Networking – Win-Win Professional Relationships for All!

ERIEC has adapted the “speed dating” concept that focuses on quick-hit information and time-efficient networking to help foreign-trained, job-ready professionals expand their professional network.

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What’s ERIEC’s Career Mentorship Program About?

What’s ERIEC’s Career Mentorship Program About?

ERIEC and the Career Mentorship Program were born during the boom in Alberta when employers were searching for skilled workers and Edmonton’s global talent were searching for employment in their fields.

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What are Smart Connections?

What are Smart Connections?

We are launching a new pilot event we’ve called “SmartConnections”, a concept that was birthed in Calgary by CRIEC that we have adapted for Edmonton.

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Want to Apply to be a Mentee? It’s easier than you think!

Want to Apply to be a Mentee? It’s easier than you think!

Our Career Mentorship Program matches skilled immigrants with local professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships.

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Intercultural Competence ~ A Business Imperative

Intercultural Competence ~ A Business Imperative

When you have diversity in your organization, it makes good sense (or cents!) to know how to manage a multicultural team; leadership is the factor that makes or breaks a diverse team.

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Get involved!

Build the careers of skilled immigrants and promote a global perspective in Edmonton's business community.