Skills for Work from AWES

Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES) presents an exciting learning opportunity: 18 English as an additional language courses!

Looking for fun, online learning to understand the Canadian workplace? The Skills for Work courses are for you! There are two levels. Each level has nine courses with many activities to improve how you use documents, communicate and write at work. Use your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

To register go to:

  1. Click on “Create an Account”
  2. Fill in your name, email and password
  3. Choose a question to answer in case you forget your password
  4. Click “Continue” and choose the best answers
  5. Click “Create account”
  6. Choose a course
  7. Have fun and learn!

The Skills for Work series was designed for immigrants who speak English as an additional language, with the first 9 courses targeted to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 3-5 for basic English and the second 9 moving into CLB (6-8) for intermediate English. They can be used for anyone looking for skills development and employment readiness. The course material is useful for all because it’s based on a thorough investigation of employer and employee needs woven into an integral framework that's easy to engage with and understand.

The new courses use gaming principles to improve learning outcomes and engagement and is in partnership with TIQ Software. It’s the first time AWES has tried this approach, and we are excited about what it means for those who need it. The courses can be accessed through tablets, computers, and even smartphones making skill development possible anywhere and at a pace that best suits the individual.

These courses will be available at no-cost until February, 2021.