Resume & Cover Letter for Green Jobs

The New Diplomacy of Natural Resources team, in partnership with the Building Young Entrepreneurs program, at United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) is thrilled to organize a free virtual workshop:

GETTING MY CV & COVER LETTER ready for green jobs and environmental work

When: Wednesday, March 16th 2022 - 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm MST


Please note there is a French workshop the following week (see details below).

About this event

Recruitment season is on...are you looking for an internship or work in the environmental sector? Do you need to update your CV, but don't know where to start? Looking for advice on writing an impactful cover letter? This free workshop is open to all Canadian youth and early-career professionals. Register today to reserve your spot!

Speaker: Anthony Amsel is a Wildlife Biologist currently working as Resource Conservation Manager for the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park (Parks Canada), where he actively plays a role in marine mammal conservation. His work consists of strategic planning, regulation development, field surveys, research, community engagement, policy work and threat mitigation.

Les programmes de la Nouvelle Diplomatie des Ressources Naturelles et Entreprends ton Avenir sont fiers d'organiser un atelier virtuel gratuit et ouvert à tous et toutes. Les obtiendront des informations sur la façon de mieux préparer leurs CV et lettres de motivation pour les emplois verts et le travail dans le domaine de l'environnement.

Avoir un CV et une lettre de motivation prêts pour les emplois verts et le travail en environnement (lien pour s’inscrire)

Mercredi le 23 mars: 16:00-17:00 HNP / 19:00-20:00 HNE