New ERIEC’s Mentorship Model

The Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) Career Mentorship Map and Resource Guide offers mentees and mentors a collection of resources to support career transition for internationally educated professionals.

The Guide supports mentees and mentors to:

  1. Identify career transition needs
  2. Focus on specific knowledge, skills or strategies
  3. Discover and flexibly navigate emerging career transition needs
  4. Learn about the role of mentorship for career transition

The Career Mentorship Map and Resource Guide includes links to resources for:

  1. Job Search
    1. Identify Profession in Canada
    2. Network for Job Opportunities
    3. Search for Jobs
    4. Create Cover Letters and Resumes
    5. Prepare for Job Interviews
  2. Job Retention
    1. Identify and Set Goals
    2. Use Onboarding Supports
    3. Refine & Adapt Skills
    4. Locate Bridges
    5. Adapt Approach to Work
    6. Build Networks & Relationships
  3. Career Management and Advancement
    1. Articulate Career Aspirations
    2. Set Career Goals
    3. Set Professional Development Goals
    4. Build Relationships & Networks
  4. Career Change
    1. Identify Transferable skills, aptitudes & strengths
    2. Identify Niche Jobs
    3. Identify Alternate Job Requirements
    4. Network New Career Opportunities
    5. Refine & Adapt Skills
  5. Good and Emerging Mentorship Practices
    1. Mentorship for Resilience
    2. Mentorship for Navigating Employment in Canada
    3. Mentorship for Immigrant Engagement with Workplace
    4. Mentorship to Connect with Professional Networks

Download ERIEC Mentorship Resource Guide PDF

Supported by the Government of Alberta Foreign Qualifications Recognition Innovations Fund.

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Build the careers of skilled immigrants and promote a global perspective in Edmonton's business community.