Leading vs. Telling: Leading Your Mentees Through Challenges

Guest Blog Post by Lauren Marinigh, Social Media & Content Creation Coordinator, Futurpreneur Canada, in conjunction with Kristle Calisto-Tavares, Mentor-in-Residence, Futurpreneur Canada

More than likely at some point in our lives we’ve experienced a great (and not so great) leader. Whether it was a manager at an organization you worked with, a teacher, or a professional mentor that helped guide you in making those big decisions or solving problems. When we analyze what made our favourite leaders notable, we can probably all agree that it had to do with how they coached and guided us through the highs and lows of our career path.

When guiding a young entrepreneur in the early stages of their business, it can be tempting to want to ‘tell’ or ‘direct’ them on what to do, especially when you have been down a similar road yourself and have a good idea about what the consequences of their actions and decisions will be. But the best mentors are the ones that can lead their mentees to make the right decisions, instead of telling them what to do.

Leading mentees successfully involves:


“Mentoring is a unique relationship. You’re not the person’s manager, you’re not the person's coach, you can’t tell them what to do, you just have to provide them with information, and share your own personal experiences and expertise, and help them come to a decision themselves. If I had to define Mentoring I would say it’s helping to empower someone to make their own decisions,” – Jarrod Pettipas, Futurpreneur Canada Mentor and Account Manager at TD Commercial Banking.

Empowering your mentee will help them build confidence in taking control of their circumstances to help achieve their goals in both their personal and working life. A mentor is meant to act as a guide to facilitate their mentee into making decisions on their own and becoming more aware of themselves and their skillset to make these decisions.

Facilitating goal-setting and visioning

Sometimes all a mentee needs is for someone to help them dive deep into understanding their vision for their business and how to set appropriate goals to help them get to where they want to be. By helping entrepreneurs set their goals and objectives and slowly increase their risk level, you’ll be supporting them in designing a strategy that fits their strengths and areas of growth.