Daniah and Mira: A Connector Story

The Connector Program is a formalized networking initiative that helps professional immigrants broaden their professional network through one-on-one meetings with established business leader peers who work in the same field.

Local manager Mira Uniat met with Daniah Mohammed Salih over coffee on a very cold January evening. Daniah, who has recently completed her Canadian Payroll Certificate at NAIT, has had several accounting and administrative experiences in her work life. She is now looking forward to exploring opportunities and broadening her professional network within the payroll industry.

Mira’s various connections and knowledge in the payroll industry made her a “great fit” in reviewing Daniah’s resume and providing her with some valuable insights on how to find employment in payroll in the Edmonton region.

Mira shares with Daniah that she enjoys participating in the Connector Program. “I am an immigrant myself and 7 years ago I had to go through the same type of experience of looking for my first job in a new country. I am very happy to share my experience with people who are going through the very same challenge and journey. It was such a pleasure to meet with Daniah. I am confident that with her skills and experience she will have a bright future here in Canada. I was happy to share my knowledge with her and give her some feedback on her resume.“

It's Time to Connect

Build your professional connections through one-on-one meetings with established and international business peers who work in the same field.