2018 Business Leaders Breakfast

2018 Business Leaders Breakfast

On November 6th, the Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) hosted their 8th Annual Business Leaders Breakfast at the Alberta Art Gallery in Edmonton.

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September 2018 Smart Connections: Diversity and Inclusion Policies

September 2018 Smart Connections: Diversity and Inclusion Policies

Our second event for this year’s Smart Connections program series themed Diversity and Inclusion Policies and the Hiring Process of The Government of Alberta and The City of Edmonton was held yesterday, September 20th, 2018 at the Matrix Hotel, Edmonton. Over 160 internationally educated professionals attended the event!

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June 2018 Smart Connections: The Future of Work

June 2018 Smart Connections: The Future of Work

Our first event for this year’s Smart Connections program series themed The Future of Work, hosted by Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC ), was held last June 14th, 2018 at the Matrix Hotel, Edmonton.

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2018 ERIEC Awards: the video!

A few more moments from the 2018 ERIEC Awards & Recognition Event, hold on May 15th at the Sutton Place Hotel Edmonton!

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2018 ERIEC Awards & Recognition Event

2018 ERIEC Awards & Recognition Event

The Edmonton business community and internationally educated professionals gathered together at Sutton Place Hotel to celebrate Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council’s ten years of mentorship and networking successes as well as honouring the collaborations of our Edmonton employer partners.

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Build the careers of skilled immigrants and promote a global perspective in Edmonton's business community.