by Eric Pye, CRS, Career Advisor at CPA Alberta

If you’re a job seeker, what are your plans for December? Do you plan to “take the month off,” or keep plugging away at your search? If you’re thinking about a month off, think again. Many other job seekers will take a break from their search, which reduces competition for the positions that ARE posted. Jobs do get posted. Keep searching and applying!

The holiday season sees a ramp up in celebration and social events. Keep networking. With many taking vacation, those left working are looking for excuses to get out of the office. Folks are in a more generous mood. Keep connecting for coffee. Non-profits are busiest in the season of giving. Many companies help out as a team-building, giving-back activity. Keep volunteering. And if you haven’t been doing any of the above, replace “keep” with “start.”

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